
I really had to share this with you. I found this during my spare time, while I was seeking the lyrics of this song and I came upon this website. Several comments are posted by religious people against the singer-Lady Gaga- and her latest song "Judas", she uses a Christian legend as a metaphor in her latest work comparing her ex boyfriend to Judas in this story of a lover betrayal...(What's the problem? Elvis Presley sang "Devil in disguise, I don't think he was the AntiChrist or the Devil himself)

The comments you're going to read-see below- are a perfect illustration of a severe form of schizophrenia, which is something I've studied in the past. What is the difference between some religious terrorists shot down recently and these people? I believe these kind of ideas are as dangerous as their's...As far as I know artists are made to entertain people, they've never started a war, as most of the wars that are still happening  in the world at the moment always have the same origin.

Reading comments about the Antichrist or the Devil being the co-writer of this song in 2011!!! Is surreal!!! It sounds like a witch trial, but the wiches trials were taking place in the 15th century. It's very concerning to see that some people haven't evolved in 600 years.
I've always said that religion is a severe form a collective schizophrenia, and here's the proof below.

Wait what dont you understand...she said clearly that she is love with judas and she is gona bring him down!!!!!!!!!! i dont need to say anything else if ur smart u will understand!!!! and lets say that this song as u said is metaphore...the other song which u will hear soon the "black jesus" is metaphore too????? just see the obvious and stop support everything lady gaga do because she is one puppet like everyone else!!!!!!!!!! (sorry about my english)
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Yesterday at 10:18 PM
dr goldfinger says:
all does of u that tink its cool r possessed,u cnt blaspheme all in d name of tlkn abt ur ex....i tink its really stupid...n i tink gaga is cursed
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Yesterday at 05:05 PM
taytayo says:
3 words she is awesome
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May 13, 2011 at 05:30 PM
MaNcH says:
i luuuuuuuuuuuuuv this song <3<3
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May 13, 2011 at 05:13 PM
Kesha4Life says:
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May 13, 2011 at 03:24 AM
dreamyist1 says:
I get so upset when ppl blame judgemental views on religion! Jesus can save you but religion can destroy you! I have had a relationship w/ Jesus Christ since age 6. I can say w/out a doubt that Lady GaGa's Judas is NOT evil nor is she the anti-christ! If anything she is just a storyteller, she is only saying that likd so many of us she has fallen in love w/the wrong type of guy who uses & betrays her & even if he betrays her 3x's she will still love him, cause she's a fool for the bad guy even though she knows she should be with the good virtuous guy. She also explains that if this were biblical times she would be a "Mary Magdilan" type for the way she is portrayed by others. AND just like, Mary M., Jesus still will love her no matter who she clings to & also like Jesus he to loves Judas, he was one of his followers @one time! Jesus loves all his children no matter the sin. Just a reminder 2 those who judge GaGa, "he who is With Out Sin may cast the 1st stone! " Ppl put your Rocks away! Her sins are = 2 ours!
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May 13, 2011 at 12:28 PM
puppup says:
yep that's exactly what the song is about

May 13, 2011 at 03:07 AM
Hmjluv says:
Girls girls, you're both pretty!! U can take this song two ways- evil exposure or a fun song with rythym. Lady gaga probly means songs for people to relate to something personal. Shes a little crazy, i dont think shes evil!
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May 12, 2011 at 06:07 PM
MuSicFReAK95210 says:
NOTE: I am Christian. She's NOT an Anti-Christ. She's NOT evil. She is like everyone else among us. And I think too that Judas is a metaphore for people who betray other in this song. So please all bibel into people. Don't make shame of us other Christains. This is just a song with a very very nice beat and rythm. That's why I love this song :p It is an COMPLETE OTHER way if she REALLY meant this. But she dosen't
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May 12, 2011 at 06:02 PM
penny94 says:
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May 10, 2011 at 01:13 PM
n2jc247 says:
Satan is the co-writer of this song. He is using Gaga to lure kids/adults away from freedom in Christ. Don't be fooled! Light or darkness, these are your choices, freedom or bondage. Jesus died for you, because He loves you. Judas died for 30 pieces of silver.

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