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I’m no scientist but we must all must acknowledge that #climatechange is real and find a #betterpathforward. Right now there are over 100 active #wildfires burning throughout the West. The National Interagency Fire Center has reported 4.5 million acres of land have already burned across 12 states. Many families have lost their homes or have been evacuated, others are missing or have lost their lives. The #pollution #carbonmonoxide and tremendous loss of #wildlife #livestock and #domesticanimals is beyond comprehension. Let’s send our #prayers and also our gratitude to the nearly 28,000 #brave #firefighters and #firstresponders for being there for us on the #frontlines during these #unprecedentedtimes times. God bless you all 🙏 @nationalparkservice @calfire

Une publication partagée par Adrien Brody (@adrienbrody) le


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