Dear readers and fellow screenwriters

As promised here are a few screenwriting advices, thank you for your questions and
for your confidences in my skills.

An aspiring screenwriter recently asked me if I ever suffered the writer block...
Actually, no! Not because I'm a superhuman screenwriter but only because I truly believe
writer block is a myth. A writer gets the block, when they are afraid to start on a new
project, the idea they're not gonna be skilled, the idea their plot is not gonna
be good enough...The idea they are not going to be published, or not going to pe produced
if they are a screenwriter, when you start writing forget about everything!
Immerse yourself into fiction, it is your plot and it will be your new life for several
days, weeks, months, depending on what you write...

First and foremost, make RESEARCHES...

A fellow screenwriter asked:


Read articles on the topic you want to develop into your story. Imagine your plot is
about abused women, or a blind, then read articles, books everything about this topic and
make some notes, from your notes; you'll start developing ideas, then your characters
traits, then you'll finally develop all the plot around this character.
When I start making researches and notes it can take several days for me to  outline an entire plot, then as if by magical, I see images of the my story coming in my  head, not words, not sentences, but IMAGES...I guess that's the reason why most people who have read my screenplays call my writing very visual.

Someone also asked me if it would help them writing dialog, again YES.
The dialog are not there to fill the pages, but to develop the story and tell how the characters feel at some point, with the researches, you'll develop the plot, and writing the dialogues will become much more easily, when you put yourself into your characters shoes, it's like living their lives, and being able to feel what they feel. It's like speaking in the real life! Forget you're writing, just live your story!

Another question: I can't afford an agent at the moment, I'm writing for free!
First, an agent is not about money, avoid all AGENTS asking you to pay to get represented, they are CROOKS!
Agents usually take 10 to 15 percent on what they sell from you! That's when they get paid; they get paid, when you get paid, secondly, PLEASE, avoid writing for free! Only write SPEC SCREENPLAYS, they'll be your calling card, what you will show to producers, potential employers, along with your resume (if any) when you're trying to find work.
The film world, is filled with so-called producers and film makers, asking young writers to work for free and taking advantage of young timers, making them believe they'll have a film produced. Most of the time the films that are made with a micro-budget, and when the screenwriter is unpaid, are unreleased, or unseen by industry professionals, and you'll waste your time working with these people.

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST...You become SUCESSFUL when you begin to receive hate messages!
Frustrated individuals will try to break you with hate (typos-filled) messages, that's a good sign you're causing JEALOUSY in some lame persons who envy you! In this case, you're close to your goal, so don't let go! The film world is a hard one, but don't forget you have your fiction to find refuge in and live another life, thousand other lives, so don't lose your inspiration!

Thanks for reading and for all your questions!
Warmest regards, Jordan.


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