My  new science fiction screenplay «THE FACE » will be finished in December. As some of  you may already know, it takes place in a near future, during a time called « the golden age », in a society called INFINITY, where death does not exist anymore. (actually I still don’t know if I’ll be keeping the title the face or opt for infinity, the face is more related to the thriller plot of the script and infinity is the world that sums up it all)

In the script I reveal the step by step method to physical immortality, based on real scientific facts and two major ELEMENTS:


Nanobots combined with stem cells are the key to this physical immortality…It’s not science fiction! It’s here, it’s NOW!  Nanorobots transporting stem cells, are injected through the human body and will repair all damaged tissues, dying cells, continually.
There’s been a very well orchestrated disinformation regarding these NANOROBOTS, (in the scientific magazines of course, but also on the internet) so well that some people don’t know if they are projects, or reality…Actually, they’ve been existing since DECADES and used for military tasks.  Of course, this advanced technology is been hidden by the political leaders and religious leaders (as well as some accomplice scientists and doctors) GUILTY OF A GENOCIDE and I’m weighing my words.

For the anxious (or brainwashed) ones among my readers, be aware that I’m not talking about turning a human being into a robot: Nano robots are  at or close to the microscopic scale of a nanometer (10-9 meters). Approximately  the size of our own cells! They won’t make you anything else but human beings, but human beings who won’t age, suffer illness and HUMAN BEINGS WHO WON’T DIE, or see the people they love dying around them (for the ones like me, who have experienced this before, who know what I mean, it‘s unbearable you can‘t live with it, it haunts you everyday) . Human beings who won’t suffer the intolerable: living in a society where death exists! A society and a time called « the dark ages » in my script.

Now, be aware that all people dying at present time, all people who’ve seen dying around you during the past decades all have been the victims of a GENOCIDE!
What would you do to save your loved ones from death? Your children for instance?  Your parents?
Well,  the current political and religious leaders are the NAZIS and YOU ARE prisoners in a DEATH CAMP!

Maybe it’s time to revolt, and EXPOSE THE TRUTH! And create INFINITY for real! There's no fate but what we make for ourselves. 


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