I've recently completed the first draft of a science fiction screenplay called "the face", a second draft should be in the work in 2010/2011. The screenplay will take place in a near future-post 2012, in a society where aging and death have been eradicated through science. Time travel will also be part of the plot.
One of the characters of the script suffers a premature aging syndrome: I chose the Werner Syndrome. During my many researches, I’ve read terrible articles on this condition, and saw very shocking pictures of people suffering this horrible decease, including men and women with full head of white hairs at only 47! 30 years old people suffering the common symptoms associated with aging.Is there something worst than a decease that steals your youth from you?
PS: Personally, I do think that the cure that supposedly do not exist, do exist and have been hidden from humanity by political and religious powers. Aren’t you surprised by such an important absence of primordial cures in 2010???
As a result some of these cures will be fully described in my screenplay.
One of the characters of the script suffers a premature aging syndrome: I chose the Werner Syndrome. During my many researches, I’ve read terrible articles on this condition, and saw very shocking pictures of people suffering this horrible decease, including men and women with full head of white hairs at only 47! 30 years old people suffering the common symptoms associated with aging.Is there something worst than a decease that steals your youth from you?
PS: Personally, I do think that the cure that supposedly do not exist, do exist and have been hidden from humanity by political and religious powers. Aren’t you surprised by such an important absence of primordial cures in 2010???
As a result some of these cures will be fully described in my screenplay.