Here is a lovely message I just received on facebook. It was written by a talented fellow screenwriter and new friend: Kirby.

I wanted to share this encouraging note with you. Hope to encourage many screenwriters and artists to voice their opinion on this policy in the future!


Hello Jordan Tate:)

I paid a visit to your blog page, and allow me to say, I really loved my visit - and I was very thrilled to learn that you yourself too are also very opposed to Hollywood's unnecessary SNUB of unsolicited materials....this is gonna be a great friendship I can tell Jordan!!

I have ALWAYS felt that the "unsolicited material" policy was a blatant, ridiculous, DISCRIMINATION. Absolutely!.
It is literally mind-blowing to me that major agencies such as CAA, are so opposed to looking at all these great ideas just floating around out there...from unknown writers. Do these people not realize the incredible, creative potential that is in fact being written by everyday folks?

To me - The CLIQUEY in-breeding of Hollywood, and it's reluctance to open its eyes and ears are apparent in a lot of the films that are coming out now. Just seems so obvious that Hollywood players need to take a FRESH look at many new writers - judging honestly and fairly - by the trend of releasing these crappy and unnecessary remakes of classic 80's films...

I really enjoyed your blog about Kevin Spacey's distaste for this practice as well. And also VERY informative, and quite enjoyable to read, Jordan, was your blog about the email convo you had with the assistant over "unsolicited material" - I found it very appealing and humorous, that you challenged the policy with her intellectually - and you came out magnificently victorious! Well done Jordan:)...

(link to this post:

You brought to light a GREAT topic, and raised a defensive voice, that echoes the frustrations of every single unknown screenwriter out there... Thank you Jordan for being such a crusader against this - and I stand by you always. :)

I also believe - that more big-name talent should raise their voices over this issue as well. Something positive has got to come from this - and voices need to be heard - to CHANGE these ridiculous policies. These policies deter, and do in fact discriminate against one thing....fresh creativity....

Take care Jordan - can't wait to talk to you more / sincerely, Kirby


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