Movie treatments

I know i haven't posted anything in a long time...Only because- as talented director Darren Aronofsky told it in his own blog on blogspot- I have been using twitter and facebook a lot lately, but these last days, I kind of miss the "real" blogs, more room to write about my screenwriting experiences.
I'm working on several promising treatments at the moment,-too early to reveal more details-but it's mainly science fiction, fantasy and thriller. I'm feeling inspired and let the ideas come to me, as i watch a movie, as i look at pictures, as i read articles and do some researches. I'm not in the rush right now...Just want to develop some of these good ideas (i think they're good) of mine, before deciding which one of them will become a full length screenplay.
By the way, i'm often getting this questions from non-screenwriters people. What is a treatment?

So here is the definition taken from wikipedia:

A film treatment (or treatment for short) is a piece of prose, typically the step between scene cards (index cards) and the first draft of a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or radio play. It is generally longer and more detailed than an outline (or one-page synopsis), but it may include details of directorial style that an outline omits. They read like a short story, except told in the present tense and describing events as they happen. There are two types: the original draft treatment, created during the writing process, and the presentation treatment, created as presentation material.

Bye for now!


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